Everyday Wonders
Natala Graetz
Publisher: Everyday Wonders
ISBN: 9780645245004
Awards Year: 2022
Category: CBCA Award for New Illustrator


Everyday wonders are all around us – our neighbours, doctors, local beekeepers, car mechanics or favourite opera singers. You don’t need to be famous or a Nobel Prize winner to feel…and to be…important in this world.

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The CBCA judges say...

A wonderful new illustrative voice. The illustrations in this book are rich, bright and whimsical. There is a confident use of depth and texture on every page and an engaging colour palette which cleverly echoes the character of each 'everyday wonder'. Graetz, as the designer, uses each page layout well, placing her characters from left to right on alternative pages. The pages are full of detail but they never feel crowded. Graetz achieves busy and noisy, as well as and quieter more contemplative pages. The scattered objects on the last spread invite readers to revisit the text and make further discoveries.

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