CBCA Branch Membership
Do you love Australian children’s literature?
Get more involved by joining the Children’s Book Council Branch in your State or Territory
As a member you will enjoy special benefits and exclusive access to a range of wonderful resources related to children’s literature, including access to the Sun Project Shadow Judging program.
Join Or Renew Your Branch Membership Now
Membership is open to individuals and educational institutions through the States and Territories of Australia. Parents, teachers, librarians, students, publishers, booksellers, illustrators and authors are all welcome!
For more information about your Branch’s specific membership rates and inclusions contact your local branch using the contact information on our Branches web page or follow link for your state or territory below.
Local State And Territory Membership Links
Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
Access National Resources
This is the CBCA National portal. Here you will find resources that you can access as part of your state or territory membership. If you are looking for local resources or access to your member account please refer to your state or territory website.
Renewed members please log in here.
After logging in you will find a link to the Members’ Content under the main menu heading ‘Membership’
Can't Remember The Username Or Password?
Members please note: The username and password to access this site is provided to you by your local State or Territory branch and changes with every renewal period, at the start of the year. If you are not sure what it is, please refer to the Branch web page to find the contact details for your state or territory.
You are not able to reset this password.